Thursday, 19 June 2014

ipDTL: a better cheap replacement for ISDN

There has been a lot of buzz in the social media in the last few months about this new ipDTL being a cheap replacement for ISDN. We tried it for a month with our voiceover sessions and liked it very much. 

We have therefore now invested our £200 in the ipDTL Link Account.

It is even easier to use than the trial version! 

And the great thing about this is that it costs our voiceover artists nothing. Not a penny.  And there is now a Mute button to avoid howlround while the voice talent is voicing. 

You must use Google Chrome though and also use a wired Ethernet cable to send us audio at 128kpbs (HIGH)

We send the voice talent a specific link which looks a bit like this

The voice talent then enters their name and clicks Connect. There is no need for passwords. The voice artist can then talk to our Engineer and the voiceovers begin!